The Best College Recruiter

Title 1How to Conduct An Effective Home Recruiting Visit - Jimmy Williams (Nebraska) - VHS

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 Biofeedback Experiment3
 Success and Personality Type4
 Welcome to the Workshop5
 Personal List of AHA's6
 PART I: Know Yourself7
 Self-Assessment I: Strengths and Weaknesses8
 Self-Assessment II: Recruiting Attributes10
 Self-Assessment III: Expectations of Others14
 PART II: Recruiting the Student-Athlete21
 Locating Potential Recruits22
 Foreign Connection26
 How Your Admissions Office Can Help26
 Internet Samples28
 Sample Prospects32
 Your Prospect36
 PART III: Your Recruiting Team and Tools37
 Team Members38
 Know Your School40
 Locating Your Champion43
 The Recruit's Champion46
 Your Current Champion47
 PART IV: Information Gathering48
 Absolute Essentials49
 Multi-Element Evaluation Form57
 Skill Evaluation Forms and Guidelines66
 Video Evaluation Forms79
 School Counselor Evaluation Form85
 Evaluate the Intangibles88
 Is Your Prospect Right For Your?90
 Telling them "No"91
 PART V: Making Contact I - The Phone93
 Systems Approach94
 Absolute Essentials110
 Telephone Contact Checklist112
 Communication Tools116
 The First Phone Call124
 Establish the "Contract"130
 Priority Factors of the Recruit131
 Sample Phone Questionnaire132
 Sample Phone Tips and Simulation135
 Sample Phone Logs139
 Mental Preparation Techniques for Phone Recruiting142
 Phone Script Worksheet142
 PART VI: Making Contact II - Mailings143
 Absolute Essentials144
 Developing a Letter Mailing System146
 "Top Reasons" Why You Should Attend Our School148
 Calendar Schedules When To Mail Letters to Recruit153
 Importance of Stationery156
 Fax Transmittal Form161
 Sample Recruiting Letters163
 General Introductory Letters165
 Letters Sending Media Guides to Recruits172
 Letters/Inserts Highlighting Former Players174
 Letters from Assistant Coaches177
 Special Invitations to Campus179
 Letter from Academic Support Staff182
 Letter from Strength and Conditioning Coach183
 Letter from President of the University184
 Letter to Parents of a Recruit185
 Letters Requesting Items from a Recruit186
 Handwritten Note to a Recruit188
 Creative Mailing Enhancements189
 Introduce School Mascot to Recruit with a Theme Message190
 "Share the Dream" Messages191
 "Catch Phrases" to Catch the Eye of the Recruit194
 Highlighting the Head Coach in the Mailer198
 Motivational Messages202
 Highlighting Facilities/Fans208
 "Personalizing" the Creative Mailer213
 Holiday Themes226
 Highlighting "Big Games"230
 Ask the Recruit for a Response235
 Telephone-related Creatives237
 Utilizing National Media Publicity239
 Special Occasion for Recruit242
 Construct Puzzle Pieces to Get the Final Picture243
 PART VII: Making Contact III - The Home Visit245
 Absolute Essentials246
 Things to Do Before the Home Visit248
 Things to Do During the Home Visit250
 Home Visit Simulation252
 Creative Visuals for the Home Visit253
 Home Visit: Closure and Follow-up259
 PART VIII: Making Contact IV - The Campus Visit261
 Absolute Essentials262
 Preparing Your "Team"264
 Campus Visit Insights266
 Choosing Your Host270
 Preparing Your Host272
 Campus Visit Profile Sheets273
 Guidelines for Student Hosts275
 Campus Visit Survey for Recruit/Parents276
 Organization: Official Visit Week279
 Recruiting Weekend Grid283
 Travel Information Sent to Recruit284
 Transportation Information285
 Dining Information286
 Weekend Meal List287
 Campus Visit: 48-Hour Plan288
 Campus Visit: Large Group Options290
 How to Create an Effective Itinerary291
 Sample Itineraries295
 The Unofficial Campus Visit304
 Sample Unofficial Visit Itinerary305
 Unofficial Visit Documentation Form306
 Unofficial Visit Comp Admissions Form307
 PART IX: Making Contact V - Recruiting the Parent308
 Absolute Essentials309
 Focal Points311
 Suggested Guidelines313
 PART X: Competitive Analysis317
 Where Do You Stand?318
 Composite Evaluation321
 Signs You're Still "In the Ballgame"323
 PART XI: Commitments and Closing Techniques324
 Series of Commitments325
 Gaining the Commitment327
 Sample Closing Techniques329
 "Numbers Game" Close330
 "Facts on the Contract" Close332
 "Standing Out" Close334
 "Yes-Yes" Close336
 "Good Cop-Bad Cop" Close339
 "Stay Close to Home" Close341
 "Inclusion" Closings342
 The "Roster" Closing343
 The "Training Partners" Closing343
 The "Clothes" Closing344
 The "Uniform Number" Closing344
 The "Home Video" Closing345
 The "Poem" Closing345
 The "Singing" Closing346
 The "Transformation" Closing346
 The "Top Ten" Closing347
 Your Closing Technique349
 Keeping the Commitment352
 PART XII: After the Signing - The Maintenance Phase353
 Absolute Essentials355
 The Post Signing Survey357
 You've Got 'Em: What Now?361
 PART XIII: Other Recruiting Issues362
 Handling Concerns and Problems366
 Negotiating Partial Scholarships371
 The Competition Won375
 PART XIV: Gaining the Recruiting Edge - The Psychological Factors376
 Your Peak Performance Body Temperature377
 Positive Affirmation Statements377
 Mind Power & More379
 101 Things Winners Say to Themselves380
 Recruiters Attitude Questionnaire382
 Ten Qualities of the Self-Confident Person383
 Relaxation and Stress Reduction384
 Changes Caused by Increased Stress385
 Coping Strategies387
 Simple Breathing Exercises389
 Relaxation Script390
 Life Cycle Stress Breakers391
 Plan to Cope With Everyday Stress392
 Concentration and Focus393
 Concentration Activity: The Mad House395
 Centering Cues396
 Concentration Exercise: Grid397
 Visualization and Imagery398
 Best Time to Visualize398
 Critical Advisor399
 Imagery and Visualization Inventory402
 Guidelines for Visualization Script404
 Goal Setting Strategies406
 PART XV: The Ultimate Challenge - Your Recruiting Strategy407
 Your Absolute Essentials410
 Creating Your Own Recruiting Game Plan411
 Sample Recruiting Game Plan Outline415
 Game Plan Work Pages420
 Student-Athlete Recruiting Perspectives433
 Parent Recruiting Perspectives445
 Fundraising Ideas457
 Mileage Calculator457
 Telephone Area Code Finder458
 Role and Responsibilities of the Recruiting Coordinator463
 Recruiting the Foreign Athlete468
 Summer Recruiting Organization474
 Use of Technology in the Recruiting Process - NCAA Guidelines479
 Recruiting Resources: The Recruiters Library™ Catalog480
 Refrences and Evaluation