School & Community
Teaching and Coaching Education
A. Clinic and Workshop Presentations
- Controlling the Uncontrollable! Positive Discipline Methods for Teaching and Coaching!
- FutureCoach: The "Right" Way to Develop the Mind for Peak Performance
- Goal Setting for Teaching and Coaching: Establishing Priorities and Strategies for Success
- Mental Toughness Training: Strategies and Tips for Teaching Life's Consummate Survival Skill!
- Peak Performance Under Pressure! Stress Management Options for Optimum Performance!
- Predicting Coaching Success!
- Psychological Skills for Successful Teaching and Coaching!
- Psychology and Strategy of Bench Coaching: Winning Games from the Seat of Your Pants!
- Reward or Punishment: Key Elements of the Motivation Process!
B. Mental Training for Student-Athlete and Coach
Mental Toughness Training
Mental Toughness is a learnable skill composed of several different elements. Mental Toughness Training is a three-hour, highly intense and highly enjoyable hands-on workshop that teaches the members of your organization how to achieve and maintain a competitive edge through the utilization of mental toughness skills. Role playing, films and music, and a mental toughness workbook highlight the program.
Program contents and materials
- Workbook taking you step-by-step through a mental toughness learning sequence!
- Motivational films and music themes to enhance the education process!
- Role playing scenarios and activities to strengthen the practical application concepts!
- Self-assessment instruments to identify individual strengths and weaknesses!
- Development of a personal coping system!
C. For Parents and College-Bound Students...
The College Recruiting Process: What It Is and How the Student and Parent Can Maximize Financial Aid Opportunities in Athletics, Art, Music and Journalism ™ is a dynamic 90-minute multimedia presentation designed to educate students, parents, coaches, counselors, advisors, administrators and community members about the many facets surrounding the college recruiting process. The college recruiting process isn't just for high achievers in academics and athletics. The college recruiting process now involves talented and creative students in the fields of art, music and journalism. This one-of-a-kind program can also assist those students who may be college-bound and are looking for financial aid.
D. For Parents and Booster Club Members...
The Role of Parents in Athletics This powerful research-based presentation is packaged into an enjoyable, stimulating format that includes a question-and-answer segment. This program is a must-attend presentation for the concerned parent, teacher, coach, administrator, athlete and citizen!
For more information, call Steve at (800) 293-1676 or e-mail
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